
Laying up supper 08 Photos

It wasn't only the kids that enjoyed the balloons...
Ready to launch!
Blast off!
Youngest winner with the Bos'n's award
Teenagers .......
One or two enjoyed Pass the Parcel
Steve receives the Rose Bowl, from Aileen Forrester, as overall winner of the Club race series.
Winners of the latest award the Meridian Bell (or Belle?)for determination in the face of adversity (or never ending capsizes and recoveries during the Regatta!)
The Periscope Award for the only Fireball submarine to compete in the Regatta.
Pound sliding for the whisky - in aid of Children in Need
The juniors help to start the string rolling race.
A close finish, well done Dawn.
Quiz time
Pico rigging team relay race.
Pico rigging relay race
Cool? or not............
Team supervision - nice hat!
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